WIN Awards 2015 Emerging Interior Practice of the Year – shortlist

WIN Awards 2015 Emerging Interior Practice of the Year
marc bejamin drewes ARCHITEKTUREN stehen auf der shortlist zu den WIN Awards 2015 – Emerging Interior Practice of the Year. Die Preisverleihung findet am 02.12.2015 im Sky Garden in London statt.

Hier die Stellungnahme des Jurymitglieds Dr Harriet Harriss, Royal College of Art:
‘It’s not often that projects come forward with such sensitivity to historical excavation. There is a leveraging of the existing surfaces and materials – a way of framing them and highlighting to encourage the user of the space to appreciate the pattern and the heritage of the space. It feels very thesis driven, there is a lot of analysis going into the work, but I think more fundamentally there is a sense of ambition about where this practice is going, which is why it is worth considering recognising them for what they may do next as well as what they already have in their portfolio range’.